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Steve C. -
Law Enforcement IS an honorable profession, right up there with [honest] politics and teaching. Don't get me wrong, I have all the respect in the world for noble causes - raiding someone’s home over vehicle registration is neither noble nor respectable. Something our law enforcement has taken for granted here in California...Why ?? Because it is the STATE that is being defrauded...If it were you or I filing a fraud claim, do you think they would send FIVE CHP officers to investigate ?? HELL NO. The claim would sit on some pencil pushers desk for months until you got any sort of response. Our law enforcement has forgotten their pledge to protect and serve, but has adopted a venal, grasping, and thoroughly self-serving attitude by which they carry out THEIR AGENDA.
All too often deceitful, unscrupulous, and manipulative behavior/intentions are the fuel of modern day public servants; a "Machiavellian" attitude if you will...Thus, private individuals resort to ruthless cunning as an appropriate reaction to the conduct of government. This government is who directs such law enforcement tactics for their OWN BENEFIT - not for the greater good of the public. Any cop that cannot realize this is either amoral and crooked or too stupid to question his superiors and is perfect for carrying out their tasks...If my boss asked me and four other individuals to carry out such a task, I would question our mission and WHO we would really be "protecting and serving".
I hate to see anyone die, especially while protecting the innocent. There is nothing nobler than those who protect the innocent and our freedom. However, I do not feel that was the case here. This (if it did indeed happen...) sounds like nothing more than the greedy State of California looking for some extra money to burn, in my [ignorant] opinion...
Flatliner - You don't protect my way of life, you serve a dishonest master who cares only for himself. I can protect my OWN way of life thank you very much.