Hi Richard,
Thank you for your continuing support. God knows I need it. As I said in the other post I have been tied up with other commitments and progress has slowed. I expect to get back into a serious routine here shortly. I think we are fairly squared away until I mount the body. At that point I will want to discuss all the aero stuff.
I am still not quite dialed in with caster/ camber / alignment and square. I want this perfect before I mount the body. I may have a few questions. I did come across a laser alignment tool and thought about you. I think something like this could be made very simply for the JBL. Because there is so much adjustability with JBLs a tool like this could be very handy. I know it would for me. Check this out:
You could probably get away with one laser and one front and one rear stand-off. I think it would make setting up the car so much easier. The stand-off could mount right where the spinner attaches to the rim. Let me know what you think.
I would love to do a website but have not found a simple way to do one yet. I have FrontPage but haven't learned the program. It's just taking the time to do it. If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears.
Believe me, when this thing is ready for the track, I will make sure you are there. I am holding you totally responsible.
Thanks again for your support and I'll keep you up to date as progress is made.