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Most of the trouble that I have heard of (probably rumors) were around cars based on either a Corvette chassis or Corvette engine/tranny since these would be the parts most likely to be stolen. Believe me, I'm not trying to slam any manufacturers that use these parts or trying to disuade anyone from buying this type of kit. The point is, get receipts for everything you buy and have the big ones notarized.
There is also another issue here... I have seen Cobra's registered as 65 Mustangs (or similiar). Not necessarily illegal, but if you have an accident, your insurance company probably won't pay the claim.
I agree with the earlier post, get it done right - either talk to the main DMV branch - or - visit their website... it probably has the info you need. Watch out for the "we can work around the nudge, nudge - wink, wink" kinda stuff.
- Dan