Not Ranked
This thread ended up giving me more than I bargained for...
One thing that we all should notice is that VPRHUNTER is basically nowhere to be found after the initial post... hmmm
Second of all, I was wondering how all of you get away with registering your Cobras as '65's or '66's or whatever when they are CURRENTLY being made in 2003? Don't get me wrong, I would probably do the same thing if I can here in MI. because of emmisions laws both here and in any other state...This I think is probably part of the issue in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia (personal comment...I know you guys out there LOVE emisions standards out there...!)
Also, you would think that we all could be a bit friendlier to our local/state law enforcement officers. I wouldn't want their job for a second... Agro, I mean no flames to you either because I, like you, ALWAYS question/doubt authority. The thing is that those 5 CHP officer were not anywhere that they were not TOLD to go in the first place... I am sure they would rather have been doing something else then dealing with what sounds like a fairly iffy investigation that may have been started by some idiot politician who doesn't even know what a Cobra looks like let alone when they were built "for real"...
One last point, guys that drive cars as FAST as the ones that are the topic for discussion on this message board need ALL THE FRIENDS THAT THEY CAN GET IN LAW ENFORCEMENT!!! The last thing that I want (when I finally DO get my car on the road) is a bunch of cops that have a chubby for pulling over Cobra owners...RIGHT?
Shooter...Looter...Not Neutered.