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my take...
i bet vprhunter is alive and well and posted under a new id to remain anon in tipping off others thereby remaining anon in his effort ...he did you calif folks a favor ! smart move, we know the dmv's read these too...others have confirmed firsthand that they were visited too, and so posted here. so forgetting vprhunter has not reposted, he at least got others to come forward with their experience. no one would make this up...imagine the others you have not heard about ! just the beginning of the tip of the iceberg perhaps.
as turk said, the issue/subject of this thread should remain on topic in my book and not become a law enforcement officer pro / con, those folks don't do these assignments on their own, they do their job as instructed.
of concern to many outside of calif is what starts on the west coast frequently moves east. their calif dmv/atty gen;ls action(s) dont go unnoticed by other states, rest assured, they know and they are watching . TU and other title washing companies exist and have 'registered' cars in most likely most all the states. there have been many threads in past yr or more advising against these washing companies, so the fact there is a problem should not be new news...the timing is now where before folks 'wondered if or when'.
pjs5o, from michigan. there are no emissions laws affecting these cars in michigan. and they can be registered as 65/66's in some cases . some were done using TU and some without TU, different dmv offices have handled that issue differently. but registration as 65/66s do exist. most however, have gone the long way, the 'assembled car' registration route with an assigned mich vin affixed to the car following safety and vehicle inspection by a police agency. mine for instance is registered as a 1998 mich assembled vehicle with their assigned mich vin having precedence over the original vin assigned by my mfr.
my guess is based on the initial inquiry by CHP over the original list of cars they are now looking for that they will widen their probe and others will be added to their target list. my guess is other states will watch and follow. my guess is if you used TU or any other washing co to assist in a 65/66 registration that you will want this thread to remain on target forewarned will be helpful and you can go to school so to speak on the book lessons learned here from those affected who were brave enough to post and advise you. good luck to all....bill