We had that problem in Michigan too malone, until the liberals hoisted themselves on their own petard, which they are wont to do, given enough time. One best seller by Ralph Nadar torpedoed the domestic auto makers attempt at competing with VW at the precise moment the Japenese were massing their assault and the Arabs were cutting off the
oil. Mix in the greedy labor unions and the nonsense spouted by the likes of Michael Moore and the unwillingness of state and local bodies to allow the Big Three some much needed tax breaks and you can fast forward to today where the Big Three no longer aren't such. GM's strategy is to build any new manufacturing facility as far away from Detroit in particular and Michigan in general as it can get, taking the jobs and the tax revenues with them. Liberals must dine on tax money so they eventually follow suit.
Keep your head down and cheat like hell on your taxes, for California is headed in the same direction. Michigan today is much more politically sensible than it formally was, albiet poorer, and I suspect California will be too one day.
If only you could make it snow 5 months out of the year you'd speed up the process. In the mean time you might want to try for a state resolution putting a bounty on democrats.