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Old 03-18-2003, 06:57 PM
Excaliber Excaliber is offline
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Copy of an e-mail I sent tkuester, but then thought it might apply to more of us too. Brent, your QUICK today!

I hear you man! The Cobra market covers such a WIDE variety of the "same" cars it's always
been VERY confusing when it comes to "price" and "quality" issues. Nothing new there,
soft market or not!

Fact is, some owners have always been "out of touch" with the reality of their vehicles
worth. Recently the prices have taken a pretty sudden "dive" and owners are slow to react
to the "new" market value. I can't blame them for that!!!!

Sometimes a seller might get "lucky" and get a GREAT price on a marginal Cobra, from
someone with "marginal" knowledge, it happens! It aint gonna happen with a buyer like
yourself, educated and getting more so everyday with knowledge of the "real" Cobra world,
the various cars, etc. You'll be fine! I worry about your neighbor who might rush out and
buy one just because you did and doesn't have a clue, lol.

SPF, ERA, Kirkhams and several others are pretty much going to hold steady of re-sale value,
no matter what. But theres a great Kirkham for sale right now at a very attractive price,
so no car is "safe".

"Kit cars" built by an indiviual are all over the map! It's REAL easy to put a TON of
money into an "also ran" Cobra. Later if you have to sell, there is NO WAY your taking
much less than what you got in it!!!! HELLO????? It's worth what the MARKET will bear,
NOT what you got in it!!!!!

Man are there some nice "deals" out there right now!!!! Awesome prices on GOOD STUFF!
