You're such a dick sometimes.
I just didn't go for the steak option.
A builder, such as Joe Boghosian right here in Fresno, that has built motors for Andretti (including the 69 Indy winner), numerous AA/Fuel teams, drag boats ("Whiskey River") and has kept Dick Smith happy for over 30+ years building FEs (including a new monster) for the 427 with the best racing record is experienced enough for me.
There are a lot of good builders out there. Folks like George Anderson and Southern Automotive are FE specialists, literally gurus, and you pay a premium for their expertise. The Kirkhams swear by some guy (don't recall the name) who builds motors in Michigan. Shelby will sell you a whole motor. Certainly no two motors are exactly alike due to buyer preference, but the difference between SAI blocks and NOS SO blocks is down to nothing.
My $.02...