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Old 03-23-2003, 11:03 AM
E-M_Z06_COBRA E-M_Z06_COBRA is offline
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OK what I'm going to say may offend some people and if it dose.... I'm Sorry. But when you build a car what you decide to put in it or on it is all personal preference. your building the car for you and only you. I like fords don't get me wrong, But I love chevys. And in my opinion when push comes to shove and you put the peddle to the floor that chevy motor is going to walk away from the ford. its been proven on more than one occasion. I also don't see how putting a chevy motor in a Cobra REPLICA will lower the value. if anything a setup like that may bring the value up do to rarity. IF you feel I'm wrong thats just fine every one is entitled to there opinion.
its not what you got in it... Its how you drive it.