Not Ranked
That's the little blue slab side I saw also...... My car was parked near the front road (four lane) facing towards the interstate in the far right hand corner kinda between the 2 white original GT-350's...... Parked about 2pm friday and it stayed there thru saturday. I was in and out most of the time looking at other cars and the swap meet. Saturday morning I was around most of the time and my car was one of the first to be jusdged at noon when they started... Afterwards we were having a little BBQ in the mall lot under the trees and I stayed there for a couple of hours to get out of the sun....We pulled out sunday morning about 8:30 am to head home....
One of the judges told me they ususally get 40 to 60 cars from the two nearby airbases,but those guys had deployed overseas for the war and that was one reason for the lack of cars....Only about 150 registered when they expected from 225 to 275... Also a lot of mustangs in the mall parking lot maybe 50 ar so including the only Boss 9 there that did not even register,go figure....
Only saw a black w/ red stipe across the hood and fenders cruise by saturday.... Where did you park your car and what time were you there????
That little blue slab side was kinda "rough" but sure was pretty,I was very surprised at how little attention it drew.... I have found at most MCA meets Cobra's draw very little attenion,maybe they are just all into Mustangs,I do not know... Looked for the owner of the slab side but never found him....
Last edited by DAVID GAGNARD; 03-24-2003 at 04:22 PM..