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Someone opened a thread sometime ago about CS's charity. It is a matter of public record that was brought forth as to how much money is collected and how much actually went to help sick kids.....If my memory is anywhere correct the numbers were something like this,out of your $25.00 donation for his signature,$3.75 was actually used to benefit someone or for some research,the rest was for "administrative cost". I'd like to know who's administrative got the $21.25 bucks.....
As for mud slinging and bashing goes CS started this whole pile of stinking do do. I have seen him at least 6 or 8 times on tv and read that many or more articles in varouis car mags where all he did was bash the replica manufacteres,especially FFR,sometimes using some very nice cuss words to boot..... Ever follow him around at a SAAC meet and see what he rambles on about to anyone who'll listen???? If that's not enough to make you dislike him,then nothing will.... He was a good driver and built some great cars in his day,his day has long been gone,he should retire with grace and enjoy his legendary status instead of making a fool of himself....
Did you know many Cobra's sat on dealer showroom floors for a full 2 years before being sold..... Some dealers were begging people to come take them off there hands and when they got rid of them they surely did not want anymore..... After CS's infamous "fire sale" he hauled butt to South Africa and abandoned evrything and everyone over here for some time.... Quite a guy......