Bandit1 On the motor game, in 79 Pontiac used 403 Olds motors in there Trams ams. They where caught and gave a 700.00$ credit or rebate for the misinformation. Shebly did the same thing in the end of the Cobra run. He put 428CJ in and said they where 427SO motors. I believe that Ford stop maken the blocks for a while. No other Ford product was using a 427. On the outside, the FE motor is not like AMC,DODGE,or Chevy with cubic numbers on the block or head. Shelby was willing to put a 427 in the car if the owner b$thched. I don't know where the replacement motors came from. This is why GM now has Corporate motors not chevy,olds, or pontiac. Lawyer made some NICE money on this one.
Rick Lake