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SAI does NOT operate like Superformance. They require a substantial down payment before the build commences and the remainder as it moves to the final phases of completion. They do not deceive or mislead anyone, it's clearly understood prior to accepting the written contract. Whether it is wrong or right lies only in the eyes of the receiver. I've done BOTH and have been content with BOTH. In my profession I require a surgical deposit BEFORE I schedule a surgery. Why, because when I didn't, patients would take advantage of the situation because it conflicted with their personal schedule at the last minute and not show up, thus throwing our entire schedule off and not respecting other patients or my time. When we imposed the deposit, it immediately ceased. Those that don't like the policy can go to another doctor for their surgery. I respect their time and they will respect mine. Nothing different than SAI or Superformance only a different profession.
DDS/The First Edition
"In debates on ethically contentious issues, it is never wise nor polite to deride or belittle another person's delusion."