When you decide to purchase your Superformance, drop me a line. Their areas are territorial and since you reside in Kentucky, Dynamic in Ross will probably handle your order. There are several options that you may want to consider when placing your order. If you have a chance to attend the DV Spring Fling in London, Ohio, the last week in June, you'll be able to examine over 200+ cobras and talk with the owners. Virtually every configuration of engine, color and options will be represented. You won't be disappointed and you'll make some of the best friends you've ever encountered.
My new completed SPF will be in Ross this Tuesday. It's Laser Red with Dust Gold Stripes fitted with a stroked 418 which develops 510 hp with 520 ft.lbs. of torque. You're welcome to check it out. I plan to pick it up sometime during the week weather permitting.