Not Ranked
OK,,,I see where meat really blasted the FFR site for editing posts, deleting posts etc. He states it is really a FACTORY site cleverly disquised as an individual "forum" and it does not tolerate any negative FFR statements. His comments regarding ClubCobra are also somewhat deragotory, at the same time, are somewhat accurate. I see Brent has taken big steps to correct some of the problems by "down sizing" the "Lounge", and this is good (it was getting out of control).
Meat speculates that many of the items found on the FFR site were copied (with or without permission) from the CobraForum site. Hence, the "tension" between the two competing sites that led to the demise of CobraForum? I don't see a connection between Meats postings and the demise, but what do I know!
One thing is CLEAR! As a "group" of Cobra lovers WE are to hard on each other. To hard on C.S. and just TO damned quick to pull the trigger on others in general. I've crusied ALL the Cobra Forums out there, without a doubt this is the BEST one. But it's far from perfect and much of what Meat says about us is true.
Group hug, lol.
The one thing I REALLY like about ClubCobra is the "hesitation" of the moderators to "moderate". This IS a free speech site. Sometimes I WISH they would just DELETE some outrageous post that really pisses me off, but there very reluctant to do that. In the end, that is good, it's the American way. It is why our Nation sends troops to fight and die to protect it. But man do I hate when someone uses their "right" to shred some other player by shooting their mouth off without thinking.
Last edited by Excaliber; 04-01-2003 at 10:19 AM..