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hey bob and blake
my plans are to leave corpus as soon as i get through with school, around 4. i'd like to drop by the hangout for cars friday night although i won't get into town until maybe 7. can someone save a spot? the event saturday is for pre 49 cars-rods, but any car is welcome. i just want something to do. i've been to these type of events before and even though the cobras would not be elgible for voting it should be a nice event. the event is called the nsra appreciation and safety run, located at rockin' r river rides park in gruene. contact person is frank ayers 830 980-3273. the awards are scheduled for sunday. saturday evening i was thinking of going to one of the races, either drags or circle track. anyone interested leave a phone number that i can contact you tomorrow as i won't be near a computer. my number if you need to call is 361 549-9525. if things chnge i'll let you know. hope to see some of you.