Mr. Royal Veggie,
Thank you for offering to let me LOOK at you car... I may take you up on that since it will remind my of what NOT to do next time I build one>
Peter and I have not gotten that far. We played phone-tag for the last two days and I have been in meetings most of the day today. I will let you know when I find out. Hopefully not another 19 months.
Thanks for the kind words. My next one will only have two changes... Rectangular taillights and a Shelby aluminum cammer (if I can find the rest of the parts for resonable money).
Reason for the taillights... Though I orignally liked the round lights better, the rec. lights have grown on me.
Reason for engine... Lack of intelligence
As for the color.. I am torn between three different choices, but as you can tell by my first car, mimicing an original Shelby is not my prime concern.