I sent an e-mail to my representatives, Assemblyman and State Senator.
I got a letter in response, dated March 24, from my Assemblyman, Able Maldonado, as follows:
"I appreciate your taking time to contact my office to express your oposition to Senate Bill 708 (Florez), which requires older cars and trucks to comply with state air-emission standards through the Smog Check program, but continues an exemption for vehicles older than 45 years. Your concerns on this issue are important to me.
For your information, this measure has been referred to the Senate Transportation Committee but does not have a hearing date. Should SB 708 be approved by the full Senate it will come to the Assembly for our action. I will keep your correspondence on file for reference should I have an opportunity to vote on this bill.
Again, thank you for your e-mail."
I haven't received a letter back from my Sentator, but I did get this e-mail response:
"Thank you for taking time to contact my office. Because I receive a large volume of email, I am only able to respond to my constituents in the 15th Senate District. If your email requires a response, please include your name and address and you will be hearing from me shortly. If you do not live in the 15th Senate District, I recommend you contact your State Senator
www.sen.ca.gov or Assemblymember
In the meantime, I encourage you to visit my website at
www.sen.ca.gov/mcpherson. There you will find numerous resources including legislation and my work in the Senate. For information about the 2003-04 Budget, I recommend these useful websites:
www.lao.ca.gov and
Thank you again for your concerns and comments.
Bruce McPherson
Senator, 15th Senate District"
I am not sure my Assemblyman feels as I do on this issue, and until I get a response from the Senator his feelings are in the dark!!
More expression of concern is needed!!!