I don't have to be that informed to know that the replica companies didn't invent the Cobra. I don't have to be that informed to know that they never asked CS's permission to copy his car. I don't have to be that informed to know that if CS had acted earlier there might not be a SPF or any other replica company.
Further, from what I understand very few of the replica companies, knowing they were pirating someone else's car and imitating made any attempt to approach CS in the beginning and say, "Mr. Shelby, we would like to copy and replicate your car, can we work out a licensing deal."? Most jumped into the industry at varous times and to my knowledge, not that I claim to be "well informed" on this subject and again as far as I know very few ever sought to intiate a deal with CS. Most just openned shop and began poping out imitations.
Maybe that led to CS's bitterness later on. Neither side is 100% right as I see it. And as you admit you weren't privy to any of the private conversations or negotiations, accept beyond what RH posted as to what was proposed to him, I doubt you are any more informed than me. If you are please do tell us the details of all the negotiations with all companies. Maybe you as a SPF dealer have the inside scoop on this issue. Did SPF ever approach CS? Did CS ever approach SPF regarding licensing. What was the deal??? What did SPF say beyond f' off.
As to SPF, I have copies of their ads where they advertised they professed to making "Cobras". Excuse me? SPF makes what? No. I don't think so. I would guess that if CS didn't sue SPF SPF would have gladly stopped. Yeah right ! These ads stopped probably as a result of the litigation.
Yeah. SPF is'nt lilly white. Why would they claim they made a Cobra when they don't. Not even close. Any way its better right??? Yeah. Ok I'll buy that one too.
You haven't impressed me with you knowledge or information either. So I guess that makes us even.
As to making elemental comments frequently. Yeah. I do. The reason? Because the issues and facts are that simple, clear and elementary which makes it even more astouding as to why they can't be grasped or acknowledged by many anti-CSX people here.
You then characterize the buyers of Steve's car as a "pigeon." I'm sure this demeaning characterazation has nothing to do with the fact that a CSX was involved and we operate a SPF dealer. Yeah.
First you say Steve would be lucky to get $75K. Then you agree thats the bottom end? Which is it. Top or bottom? Based on the detail of Steve's car, its condition,its quality and its notoriety it is IMHO clearly worth in the $100K to $110K range. Maybe the buyer did over pay some but apparently it was worth it to him. I'd rather over pay on a CSX (especially that one) than a SPF any day. Maybe it was worth more in light of recent CSX's selling for $160K at Barrett Jackson. Never saw a SPF sell for more used than new. Has that happened?
Oh. BTW, how much does a full boat SPF with a BB 460 go for these days or a "trick" 396 stroker with all the bells and whistles? Push'n $60 to $65K? Some might think those buyers were pigeons especially with a finished ERA in that range or a Kirkham or SAI roller.
Stan: I'd need to know first of all at what point in time was the demand made. Late 90's? Early 80's? I'd need more information as to whether he still had standing to protect the trade dress rights at that specific time.