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I don't know that I embarressed my car as much as I embarressed myself.
Last year during the run through The Death Valley, we were all having fun at Jamo's expense and his small block. There were not too many places we could run and leave him behind and hide.
First opportunity we got was when we came up to some twisties and a slight climb.
Left him behind just to pull on the shoulder to pretend we had been there and waiting for him.
I jumped out of the car as fast as I could, but forgot to pull the emergency brake. When Jamo arrived all he saw was me struggling to hold my car from rolling down hill.
In the process burned my leg.
What is really embarressing is, 10 miles down the road when we stopped for fuel or drinks...I burned the already raw spot on my leg once again!
Damn small blocks!!
OBAMA IN in 2012