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SB-708 was amended after Jay Leno talked to Flores some time ago. But the catch is, it exemps MANAFACTURED automobiles of pre 1974 orgin if driven less than 12,000 miles and no changes were made to Paragraph 4 Section iii which as I see it still does away aith SB-100 and special construction cars do not fall under the manfactured label. Shelby Series 100s do as he is a licensed specialty car manafacturer but they have to meet all smog requirements. This is what I have been told by the two Senators that I finally got to talk to and also another knowledgelable person that works in Sacramento. So far no one will come right out and say what is going to happen to any special construction car and if they are going to leave SB-100 intact or carry on with doing away with it. If you can find this out please post it as a lot of people up here are really trying to get an answer and all we get is that amendment to allow people with original cars to keep them. The best amendment for this bill is to have it voted down and thrown away. Any farther information concering this bill should be posted by anyone who can find out as it is due for a vote later this month.
Last edited by Ron61; 04-09-2003 at 10:10 AM..