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Saw a wrecked Cobra for sale in the San Jose Mercury Newspaper in 1966. Still in school, part time job, I only had half the money, $1000.00 Asked my Dad to loan me the rest, he wouldn't, for typical Dad reasons. So I did not get it, but swore to him I'd have one someday.
Two years later, I'm in the Army overseas, and he writes he considering buying a Porsche 911S, I try talking him into buying a Cobra instead, but no luck.
Lot's of fun ribbing the next 35 years, as I compare what his Porsche is worth compared to the Cobra I/he woulda/coulda had.
I now have my dream car, and were it not for Shelby, I'd probably be driving a 1968 911S Porsche.
Were it not for Carroll, these things might be just like TRs, MGs, etc., nice British cars, but not COBRAS.
Too bad BIG BOB doesn't post here anymore, now he has some great Cobra stories to tell.
Albert Einstein
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
Last edited by 427SSSS; 04-09-2003 at 12:17 PM..