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Why does a coupe offer more protection than a roadster? Very few of the Coupes have a strong enough structure to protect the driver in the event of a roll over at speed. I like to drive my cobra on a road course but not in real competition. We do this at the Gainesville test track and there is no passing, two cars on the track at one time with about 1/2 track between them. This track has large runn off areas with no barriers to hit. We set it up so that speeds are under 100 and you actually average around 60mph.
I agree that the single hoop or full width hoop is not enough for real car to car racing but for test sessions with 1 to two cars spaced around the track they are pretty good. If you want to realy go racing a Cobra Replica is not the best choice.
IMHO driving these cars on the street is more dangerious than a race track. I doubt my roll bar will help much if I get rear ended by a cement truck. With the overhang these beasts have my head will be the second thing th ebumper hist after squashing the three point roll bar.