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The idea isn't as remote as you think. If Superformance lead by Jim Price, who has the funds and one of the best marketing strategies joined with the Kirkhams who supply the best aluminum bodies, they would dominate the industry. Consider the legal fees already invested in defending/prosecuting the various actions and it becomes palatable. A smart investment broker could offer blue chip positions to the general public or even cobra owners to underwrite whatever funding remained. Unless Shelby has the exclusive first option to purchase SAI controlling stock, the bail out for Winget will be monetary mandated regardless of Shelby's personal feelings. Venture defaulted in Germany as well as seeking bankruptcy protection here, so they're not in the best position to pick and choose where the funding originates.
I don't think the big 3 are interested in acquiring any red in this current economy. They can't move vehicles now even at 0% financing with rebates and enhanced warranties, but it wouldn't be beyond Gale, Iaacoca or Lutz independently to seize the opportunity and turn the industry on it's head!
DDS/The First Edition
"In debates on ethically contentious issues, it is never wise nor polite to deride or belittle another person's delusion."