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My friend, Ned Scudder, is the SAAC Cobra Registrar. He advised me at the end of March, 2003, that the next SAAC Cobra Registry is scheduled for publication in the summer of 2004. In the past, all of the Shelbys have been in a single volume. The first "Cobra World Registry", published in "Winter 1973", compiled by Bill Kemper, had all of 23 pages. The next Registry was published in August, 1976 by the fledgling SAAC, and had 82 pages. The next Registry was 1982, with 480 pages, then 1987, with 583 pages, and finally the 1997 Registry, with 1336 pages!!!
Because of the huge volume of data, and the desire to have a photo of each Cobra in the next edition, the Cobras and GT40 will reportedly have their own volume and the Shelby Mustangs and later cars will have a separate volume.
The publication date of the 1997 Registry was pushed back many times as more and more data pored in. Hopefully, this projection of Summer 2004 will hold.
I suggest that those who want a copy of the new Registry when it becomes available, go through SAAC to get it. You don't have to be a member to buy stuff from them. Just monitor their web site for more info.
Some interesting names pop up in that very first Registry. For instance, Lynn Park, of Trigo Wheels, had CSX 2046, Ken Eber, of SAAC, had 2226, a man from New Haven Connecticutt named Charles Schwab (yes, THAT Charles Schwab, or Charlie, as he was referred to in early Cobra club literature) had 2228, Bill Kemper had 2283, 2340, Ned Scudder had 2306, and well known Cobra nuts, Carter Gette, Peter DeSilva, Charles Ford, Marc Hefte, Geoff Howard, Don Silawsky and Gordon Gimble are all mentioned. These guys were some of the first absolute Cobra fanatics, and some of them still are.