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Old 04-20-2003, 05:27 PM
Tinker51 Tinker51 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: SF East Bay, Ca
Cobra Make, Engine: SPF
Posts: 499
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Thumbs up I was in the same boat

Well here is my .02 worth. I had all the exact same thoughts. I liked the concept of the FFR and had the skills and knowledge to build one but like you I wanted a mostly non-donor build. I got to talking to some folks who had done high end non-donor build FFR's and a couple of pro builders about costs. What I learned was a high end non-donor FFR was this close (holding thumb and index finger very close to each other) to the cost of a used SPF which is a body shape I liked better anyway (not a big fan of the perky butt). So I spent some time and energy and found a very well cared for two year old SPF. Zero regrets. Good luck.
We have enough youth. What we need is a fountain of common sense
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