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If you have two vacuum conection on the right front of the carb?
The top should be plugged with a rubber cap. It is ported vacumm. when you attach a vacuum gauge to it, it should read zero. If not then you have a bad gasket between the intake and carb, which is allowing intake vacuum to get to the ported side.
You mentioned in your post that you ran the car on a chassis dyno? Did you record the air / fuel ratio while making the runs?
If so what were your readings? idle, to 6500?
You probally could use a 750 speed demon on that motor, but you may lose some HP at your peak, 6,500.
Vacuum Vs. mechanicals is a hard choice. There are a lot of factors to consider. Remember bigger is not always better! One that is usually overlooked is gear ratio.
I have found that a car with a lower rear 3.90 + seem to accept a carb with mechanical secondaries better than higher gears.
Set the idle like I said before. You will notice a big difference in your throddle response.
Good luck!