Hi Mike,
If you look at my gallery you'll see that I have an under the car exhaust. I used 3" tubing and Spin Tech mufflers so it may sound a bit different from yours if you have the external sidepipes and different mufflers.
The sound. How do I go about this? Hmmm....
Well, let's start here: my oldest son and I used to despise stoplights. Because of the idle, we now go looking for them! The car shakes while the engine is idling at 700-750 rpm. Occasionally your vision is blurred by the vibration. In a word, the idle is heavenly
. Leaves blow away - far away!
No-one has ever asked if it is a small block
Poke the throttle and everything changes. The sound smooths out to a steady roar. If you have the four wheels all lined up straight ahead you can use more throttle. If not, prepare to spin the 17" tires and possibly the entire car. The sound becomes louder, but the sensation of increasing loudness is much more pronounced than the impression of rpms climbing. Passengers have screamed, and complained that they couldn't read the speedometer because their heads were tilted strongly backward
and they were looking at the sky.
I love the sound.
It does get a bit onerous if you go more than two or three hours at a time, or if you have a hangover.
Throttle response is good. It is neck-snapping anywhere over 3000 rpm. When Holley replaces the computer (June?) I'll do some more part-throttle tweaking to improve the 1000-2000 rpm roll-on behavior. Right now there's a slight flat spot in that area.
Can you tell I like it?