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After spending a very long time building the car, I finally got it running and capable of being driven late one Saturday afternoon. I ran inside and got the Mrs. who had been very understanding about all the time I was spending in the garage. I told her that I was about to take the maiden voyage and I wanted her to be a part of it. I forgot that I had not tightened the rear wheels up after having had them off. During the first mile, I thought I noticed something shiny and silver periodically coming out from the side of the car. When enough lug nuts came off to make the car squirmey, I realized my forgetfulness/excitement and stopped to tighten the remaining nuts as tight as I could with my fingers and limped home, embarrased but looking forward to future rides.
On another occasion-a long trip-my starter burned up. My wife and I stopped at a restaurant for dinner, knowing the car would have to be push-started. I parked on the top of a gentle rise in the parking lot, well away from other cars. After dinner and fielding a lot of questions about the car, I got buckled in and my wife gave the car a gentle push from behind. It started easily from 5-6 mph in 2nd gear and I circled back to get the wife. I could overhear a guy in a van tell his wife, "He's got the perfect wife. Not only does she let him have a hot rod, but she push-starts it for him, too!"
When I said I wanted to be somebody, I probably should have been more specific...