Boy are you ever right. A friend of mine whom I won't name because of reprocusions for him has been in the Calif. legislative crap for years. He told me when we were on a plane going to Los Angles that they just listen to everyone, take money from both sides and then he votes the way he wants.
I suppose the logical next step is for Davis and Flores to make it madatory for us to carry California Identy cards and they will be checked at the whim of any state law enforcement officer. Don't have your card, go to jail. That bill also wants to give the CHP the authority to just stop you without any probable cause and check to see if you have a current smog sticker on your vehicle. Some of the other 700- bills are even more ridiculous.
Hitler once made a statement to his inner circle that our politicians here have been proving correct for many years. The statement was " Government is lucky that the people don't think." And no matter how we vote here in Northern Calif., Davis and his crowd get elected as they only suck up to the Southern Calif. crowd where all the money and population is.