Originally posted by tonyvda
you need to get on the Uk Cobra Website www.cobraclub.com and check out one of the members there called Dave Brookes.
He has his own build company building Cobras, D B Sportcars, probably into build number 80 to 90 by now and he has sold over 35 of them to Germany.
I have no doubt whatsoever that he will be able to get you a Cobra officially and legally registered in Belgium as a new car. We have to take our cars for a extremely comprehensive test called Single Vehicle Approval that ensures that the cars are properly built and up to all up to the current legislation, and once approved can be exported throughout the EU and can be registered in the destination country.
I know the UK cobra scene rather well, actually, I have a DAX and Pilgrim importer very close by. However, I don't think I'll get the car on the road the way I want it. I doubt it if you get a NEW car through the SVA with sidepipes ?! In Belgium, they are forbidden unless the car is old (25 year or so). I've seen/drove several car's: Dax's, Pilgrims, Gardner Douglas (that's a (much) better one), but they all had things I didn't like on them. Maybe, SPF & ERA have that too, I don't know yet .. have to find out. My thinking goes more towards ERA at the moment. I hear nothing but good from them.