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You're testing my memory now, but I'm pretty sure that my specs are the following:
D0Ve heads ('70)
Same valve sizes
Another .010" on the exhaust lift
JE inverted dome pistons
Edelbrock Victor manifold
850DP Holley
MSD dist and 7AL
Roller rockers
I also bought some Eagle rods when I bought the JE pistons. They don't make you any more power, but they're nice for peace of mind.
My manifold is to suit a Dominator 4500 series carb, and I used an adaptor turned upside down to fit my 850. The motor used to have 13:1 pistons in it and I had an 1150 Dominator on it then. I'd say that I lost 60 or 70hp when I dropped the compression. The difference in throttle response was unbelievable. Don't get me wrong, the motor is still a lot of fun, and the pump gas side of things is nice, but the added compression was great.
I used to run the L2443-F (from memory) TRW dome top pistons in the high-comp motor, with my small chamber heads. These same pistons were supposed to give around 11:1 comp on larger chamber heads. If you have these pistons, you can safely mill some material off the piston crown to drop you compression to pump-gas levels.