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Old 05-04-2003, 07:51 AM
Fred Douglass Fred Douglass is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: P. O. Box 96, CATAUMET, Massachusetts 02, MA
Cobra Make, Engine: Butler with home-rebuilt 393 Cleveland stroker(Ya---ikes!)
Posts: 3,036
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Cool Curt....

.......after a minimum of thought*, I've come up with a few criteria (all of which I've met, and to wh/ many envious CC members aspire):
1. attain 50+ years worth of growth rings (I'm 58, goin' on 32, thanks to the Butler!)
2. acquire and host many and several afflictions associated with aging gracelessly & living hard (and well)
3. acquire the appearence of being a member of the fabled O'Beast clan
4. acquire the ability to emit loud noises and ferociously-rancid vapors without warning
5. quit (or redouble--either works) yer drinkin'
6. post a lot, especially in a curmudgeonly vein
7. acquire the ability to project your contempt for callow (or obnoxious) youts with the mere flick of a brow

Hey, another thought (that's two this morning!)----I hereby donate* 20 posts to YOU, Curt!---c'monDOWWWWWNN! Other senile---oooops---senior CC members, please follow suit! Let's help this worthy guy out!

*always an option with me!
**not to be confused with Hillaryite Socialism!

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