First off, I'm sorry for your loss (if only for a few weeks/months/etc), along with your pain from the injuries to yourself. On the other side of this reply, with the response shown below (clipped for clarity), you can see that you found youself in a situation that you never thought could or would happen to you. This, and only this type of attitude is what causes most people to underestimate the power of their own particular cars. Not just Cobras, but any high performance vehicle...I believe that before you ever get behind the wheel of a high performance car, you should take a defensive driving course, which would have possibly helped you avoid the dangerous situation in which you not only placed yourself, but your passenger, and the people on the road around you.. The loss of your car for awhile, and how you are going to deal with the insurance company should be the least of your worries or concerns after such an episode....Guess we all place our own priorities on family differently............Sorry to be such a downer, but the car can be replaced, but a life cannot be..............What happens the next time you (or anyone else who reads this) try to show off to a crowd????The life you save could be my own...........
Bill S.
PS: And yes, I saw your original post before you sanitized it on
Originally posted by nuke427:
[qb] I don't care what you think of the way I drive. I am 31 years old, married, 2 young children and have never had as much as a speeding ticket. I've entered a situation that I'm unfamiliar with [/qb]