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To all;
Nuke started this thread to ask for insurance advise,that is what I tried to give him. I'll keep my opinions to myself about the other matters,he did not ask for them....
Sorry things on this thread went downhill for you,I do not think you should receive the flames you got,especially from people who know little about the accident... I have and if the others are honest,I'm sure 99.9% of the guys and gals here have done some stupid and dangerous things before that we are not proud of,enough said about that....
I'm with you about "reporting" to underwriting with one exception,that being DWI or DUI whichever it is called in your area. that is one of my pet peaves. Yes,I have driven before when I have had too much to drink,but I'd like to think I've grown up enough to have quit doing that years ago,driving while drinking that is,not stop drinking....I still enjoy drinking socailly and when I do my wife or someone else always drives....
When it comes to claims,a collision claim is a collision claim,no matter who's at fault are what caused the accident. I work the claim all the same,weather it was unavoidble or just a dumb move on the drivers fault.... I have probably seen it all over the years, worked in a body shop for 14 or so years repairing cars,we probably turned out 10 cars a week,now for the last ten years in the claims industry looking at an average of 1300 damaged vehicles a year....
Nuke, I'm sure you feel bad enough about the whole incident,I know your body will heal up and with time your spirit will also,hope things work out between you and your insurance carrier,again, if you need some help or advise,please feel free to e-mail with any questions and perhaps I can offer you some help....