I think you have a pretty good handle on the amended version of the bill as it does pretain a lot to excessive smokers which I don't think anyone objects to. But from what I have been able to find out, ( and this is not a statement of fact ), there will be a lot of area about SB-100 and older cars left open to interpetation of the Calif. Govt. I have read and reread this amended version until I have it almost memorized and I can see all kinds of ways for it to be interpeted and so far no one that I have managed to contact can, or will give me a statement of just how it is going to be implimented. It does increase a lot of fines, and is supposed to give more assistance to gross polluters. Now, and once again this is not a statement of fact, they could interpet a gross polluter as any car withut emission equipment. Please be advised I am not trying to start a fight or contrdict what you have said as I am really concerned about this bill and it's final interpetations. I just think the only really way for us to be safe is to have this bill rejected. Example is the counties now being able to determine at DUI checkpoints if they think your car is a polluter. I can't get any statement of just how they are to determine this. I doubt if they will have smog testers at every check point as the enhanced emission requirements require that dyno.
Any light you could shed on this would be greatly appreciated.