Thanks so much for the last information. The guys that I know and have been talking to just weren't sure even though some of them have been in Sacramanto for a few weeks fighting this bill. Your interpetations and information are a relief to me and I am sure to hundreds of others who were just unsure of what this is going to do. I really appreciate your information and any time that I am wrong about something, don't hesitate to jump in a d correct me as I am not trying to mislead people. I have to go on what I am told and what I interpet the bill as after hearing several versions of how it will work. You seem to have amuch better grasp of this than I do and I would appreciate any updates that you get. If they are something that you would rather not post e-mail me any time. If our rainy and cold weather keeps up any bill is going to become irrelevant as I haven't been able to get the car out of the garage for over three months.
Thanks and keep up the good work,