Originally posted by FranticFrank
That was the worst possable thing that could have happened. I didn't know Mark, but had seen him pass by my shop at 320 Euclid a few times. You couldn't miss his cobra, it was very bright, metal flake green and could be heard from a ways away ifin he was mashin' it.
I was hoping to biuld/distribute a few cobras in Des Moines once I could get one of the major companies interested. I emailed Unique about doing just that, w/o a reply.
My condolances to all those who knew and loved Mark.
Frank Hull
Owner: Accurate Automotive
320 Euclid Av.
Des Moines, Iowa 50313
Interesting comments from someone who apparently knew the car from "a ways away" if Mark was on the throttle ("mashin it").
Per email received today from Frantic Frank, he clarifys my statement in this post to mean that he did not say he "could recognize the car from aways away, just that it could be heard from aways away ifin he was mashing it ."