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Old 05-14-2003, 09:23 PM
Spyderman Spyderman is offline
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Originally posted by Jerry Cowing

You people sound like the club is broken.
Our current DSCC charter asks for volunteers to orgainize events in their local areas and once a year attend an annual event - if they are not busy (don't be nieve to think that just because you scheduled an event that everyone is going to take vacation or quit their jobs to attend). This club structure is working very well.

You people , you people, ? My grandma used that phrase and often at the Ellis Island visitors center. Like wth the people from India putting herfinger on the dot saying " you people go back to India"

If you want to ruin our club, start charging dues.
sir, I am not an Indian, but I know one and he aint going to like this.
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