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Old 05-18-2003, 12:45 AM
cscott67 cscott67 is offline
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Talking "Rubber room, putz,straight-jacket!"

Evan, you are pretty funny! Definately a snob, but I don't think therapy will help you! ;o)

You can do your own research and find there are quite a few F5 cars that have sold for 40k or more. As for defending the 70k car, or calling YOU elitest,re-read the posts. (You are , but we already know that!)

As for the DONOR F5 approach, most people do NOT build that way. Sure, the basic kit goes for 10-14k depending on the options. But, most people do a variety of upgrades while building. Your view of a crappy bone stock F5 car is not realistic. Put your high dollar copy next to one at a car show that is well prepped and has a nice paint job, and few people could tell you which one is "REAL!" (Except for us fellow cobra nuts!)

As far as your opinions about engineering, or racing capabilities, I have a simple challenge for you. Bring it! Bring your cobra/csx/real WHATEVER to the fling and race. I have a feeling you will get spanked. A better idea would be for you to break down and buy a good F5 spec-racer and learn how to.

Equally prepped cars with the same motor/tranny, and you will lose! Why? Racing is all abought weight. I am not a PRO, but I have no qualms about bolting on a set of slicks and showing you my "perky butt!" Do yourself a favor, go on a diet, get on the treadmill, and maybe you won't look too bad. ;o) Scott

(I had to edit, maybe I was too harsh on Evan? NOT!)

Last edited by cscott67; 05-18-2003 at 12:48 AM..
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