Originally posted by Turk
This wasn't about Smith Brother's love for the car. This is a rumor about a business deal. I don't believe you should be defending Smith brother's intentions in the thread where we have solicited some clarification from the good folks at SAI regarding the rabid rumors going around.
I thought SAI was a privately held company. If it is, how is it that you are privy to if they are in the red or in the black and for how many years.
As for the fight left in the old man, or him going away with a smile on his face.
You are making this sound like a hostile takeover. If it is true, it is merely a busines deal. CNN, AOL, Time-Warner, Disney,ABC etc.do this all the time.
I made the classic assumption. Do I have any reason not to assume? Of course depending on how things turn out will depend on if I was close to the mark or I make an A$$ out of myself. No biggie, it wouldn’t be the first time for me.
As for Shelby’s statement regarding the failure of the Series 1, he is probably right being it was overpriced at least twice as much as it was worth or more. A name only carries a car so far.
Some work out great, some don't.
Let's hope this is as success story if it comes to pass, not another ENRON.
I made the classic assumption. Do I have any reason not to assume? Of course depending on how things turn out will depend on if I was close to the mark or I make an A$$ out of myself. No biggie, it wouldn’t be the first time for me.
As for Shelby’s statement regarding the failure of the Series 1, he is probably right being it was overpriced at least twice as much as it was worth or more. A name only carries a car so far.
I hope it turns out for the better as well.