If you are reading this, you have found the newest club forum on Club Cobra... AC COBRA = Atlanta Club COBRA.
Due to the large number of Cobra owners and enthusiasts in the greater Atlanta area, we wanted to try to have a place to meet on-line to coordinate local activities.
This is not an effort to split from or dilute DSCC or ClubCobra.
If we were to have a charter it would be...
"to support and enhance Cobra activities and enthusiasm, and to increase the opportunities for local interaction and relationship building in the Greater Atlanta and surrounding areas."
Many of us are as interested in the personal interactions as the metal, and/or fiberglass.... and I know that, to many of us, being able to get to know and get together with local owners for lunch, or a drive in the country was a large part of the attraction and commitment to their Cobra project.
Now let's get out and drive!!