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Thanks for the assist, Neil!
It's less a story of a UFO than one of a good samaritan - Neil followed us (for once my wife was riding shotgun instead of my son!) back to the entrance of Steiner ranch just to make sure we didn't have any more mishaps, even though it was out of his way.
It's been said before many times, but what a great group of people!
I also think he might not have recognized the car since the front fenders are no longer riding 4" above the top of the wheel! One of the reasons (apart from commuting to Houston to work) that I've been hibernating is that I finally replaced my front springs with correct height springs, and even learned how to replace brake rotors.
Now if I could just get the dang Hyfire working - I think it may have gotten heat-soaked one too many times. It's on its way back to Mallory this week to see if they can figure anything out. In the mean time, it still runs with a bypass for the ignition box, so I hope to start to join the gang again.
PS - I missed Gregg's decision to part with his car - since the "getting rid of" stories are often as interesting as the "getting" stories, is it on the forum (or to interesting to divulge)?
Hope to see everyone soon -