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ERA and SPF Owners - Will I Fit?
I am looking for an ERA or Superformance Cobra. (I was outbid in the last second on the Superformance Cobra on eBay a week ago.) I am 6'6'' and 210 lbs. and I am wondering how tight the driving position will be. I have owned several Griffiths and I could drive them without shoes. Not comfortable, but I got from point A to point B and back - as long as point A was not to far from point B. I would appreciate any input from other tall drivers out there. Also, if there are any ERA of Superformance Cobra owners within a few hours drive from Pensacola, Florida, I would appreciate a 'test sit' in your car. On that eBay Superformance Cobra - If I could not fit in it, it was worth the price just to look at it. Thank you in advance for your responses.