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Old 05-29-2003, 07:08 AM
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Hal: Thanks for the pat on the back. But I NEVER said the CSX was better at everything. I don't have the techincal know how or knowledge to support such grandiose claims.

But what I have said to Bandit and others who are clearly stating EXPRESSLY that the SPF is superior and would be the "WINNER" to back up the claims with facts and/or emperical data (torsional ridigity figures etc...) Maybe Bandit 1 is right for all I know. I doubt it but I just want the facts. Thats all.

Bandit 1: I don't have to read 75% of my posts. I know what I said. I'm the one who said it. You, like many others here keep mistating what I have said.

Is the CSX the best at being a REAL Cobra and being of exact specification to original specification in every regard. Yes because it is one and it is exact to original specs. If thats what you want then its the BEST in that regard. So? Whats the problem? Those are not grandiose claims. Those are claims that can be backed up factually and with emperical data and facts.

Did I say it was the BEST at everything? No. Never. Don't twist what I've said.

You said the SPF would be the "WINNER" (whatever that means??? ) and is superior to the CSX because of its chasis etc., etc.. Just back it up with facts. Maybe your right in your claims. Just back it up. Thats all.

Facts talk. BS walks.

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