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Old 05-30-2003, 06:02 PM
hdheritage97 hdheritage97 is offline
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Default Any idea what I have ????

I recently blew my clutch warming up my new now I'm in the middle of a clutch change nightmare. First of all, I can't get the damn Lakewood bellhousing out because it catches in the tunnel. The prior owner must have installed it on the engine then put it in, which would make sense, but I'm fighting not pulling the engine at this time and working around the damn thing...but that's not my issue. I was planning to install a Centerforce clutch/PP set but to my disappointment, the bolt holes in the PP don't line up with my flywheel. After making that discovery I matched it to my ol PP and sure enough, totaly different bolt pattern. So, I measured the old and found it to be 11", and it's my understanding that the original should have been 11.5" right ? My problem is that now I'm not sure what I'm looking for as a replacement, 11", 11.5", 12"...?????? And how will I know if the bolt pattern will match ? Anyone having info, please get in touch, I'm about to pull my hair out

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