Your Governor must know ours. We have an excessive noise law also but no one seems to know just what the level is. They used to set up their DB meter at the Pit River Bridge where they got all the echos from the canyon walls and write tickets by the hundreds until someone took it to court. The guy that fought it and won was driving a stock Honda car with stock mufflers but the canyon amplifies everything a lot. They never did say in court just what the DB level is that is legal. But they made them stop using the meter to check cars and trucks as they drive by and now it is at the descretion of the patrolman if they think something is to loud I guess. But I haven't heard of any tickets for that for a couple of years and I think most of the cops here really don't care as long as something isn't just obnoxiously loud. Besides that, it is fun to drive the Cobras across the bridge and into the canyons. They would send that DB meter off scale.