..a late model Firebird.
Yes, these are in some cars tied to to control of the airbags. The "memory" feature, I think, is more closely tied to the defense of "my airbags didn't work right, No I didn't have my seatbelts on, so what?" types of lawsuits against the manufacturer than to forensic law enforcement.
It never ceases to amaze me what stupid things people will do and what they believe certain safety devices will do for them. The best one was seeing a late model Volvo wagon pull up driven by a YUP Soccer mom with little brat bouncing around the front of the car unrestrained. Another person questioned the mother "how come your kid isn't in a car seat, in the rear as required by New York law?" Mom's reply? "This is a Volvo, a very safe car with SIX airbags so he is safe"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And no comments about the "soccer mom" tag, I am using it in the current vernacular, I LIKE soccer, my kids played and I was an associate coach....