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Hey it is worth it. I just rolled mine out of the garage last Sunday. I have had mine 9 weeks now. I am half tempted not to paint it.. The looks everyone gives it just going around the block and people passing by is just fantistic. Keep up with it, and by all means don't use anything used without having it rebuild or reworked to at least new condition. It takes longer but you will learn the the wait was worth it. OH YEAH one last thing, unless you are going to actually race the car, try to stay more toward the street end of performance, you have to build a car to what you are going to use it for. Race cars don't make good street cars. I am sure there will be people that will disagree with me but there is no point in going all HI-Tech if you are building a street car. A 375 HP car that weighs 2500 lbs is plenty fast. Not to mention you break less that way VS the 550 HP car that goes insanly fast.. Like me that 375 HP I have no problem jumping in it to go get a gallon of milk. Just the satisfaction of knowing you built it yourself everytime you turn the key will keep you smiling.
Getting ready for the next build. Got the 351W on the stand.