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the relationship between grundy and chubb is somewhat confusing, depending on who you talk to . grundy is supposedly owned by chubb. however, my home insurance is with chubb and locally they knew nothing about grundy. go figure. chubb locally was going to do a rating review of grundy for me as i was increasing my umbrella liability at the same time. they were surprised when i told them that they (chubb) owned them, which the agent said 'can't be' . my agent called back later and said 'yep', very sheepishly.
i have 3 cars with grundy , including my spf.
my applications read : "Grundy Worldwide , underwritten by the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies. Make checks payable to Grundy"...then my acceptance letter and policies came from grundy which said " coverage is bound effective (date) under policy # x,y,z issued through Pacific Indemnity Company".
not sure what all that means, all I know is i have coverage and that is good enough for me.
some folks tell me that grundy does not return calls or emails and that they can't get cobra replica coverage. everytime i called them i got right thru to them via phone. i never tried their online quote system. others tell me they got their cobra replica covered thru grundy when others were saying can't be done . go figure . is the difference the state, the rep you talk to , personal driving records, age or whatever..???.. dunno...i guess i will find out if there are any surprises when my renewal comes up in july . bill